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Old 09-20-2008, 08:12 PM
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Royal Tiger Royal Tiger is offline
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Re: Roll of the dice election

Originally Posted by RSVX View Post
Um, thats where I was stationed... 605th AGS...

141s, I am guessing you were 305th?
305th was active duty. I was refrencing the 141 guys as they were beyond stretched thin. Thanks bill.

I was 514 SFS/SFTC.

Here is a bit of info I was told by a reliable source but was never able to verify:

For over 50 years, Pamona Air Station, right outside Atlantic City, had the responsibility for East Coast Air Defense. They used to have a pair of F-106's ready at all times for when the Soviets used to "bounce" the east coast with "Bears" on the way to Cuba. They were the highest rated F-106 Squadron in the whole Air Force and as such were the last to convert to F-16's. That part is all 100% true and accurate.

On 9/11/01 after the first Tower was hit and the events unfolded with the 3 other planes, 2 F-15's were scrambled from Massachusetts with the intent of downing the other aircraft, but arrived too late. That part I was never able to verify. Under clinton, Pamona lost it's Air Defense responsibility and stopped manning alert planes. Part of the great military raping under slick willie. That part is true. Now if the other is, the F-16's from Pamona would have made it to NYC far quicker then the F-15's from Massachusetts. A moot point, but one to ponder and think about in a larger picture when realizing what clinton did to the greatest military the Earth has ever known. Like how he and his asshat DoD Les Aspin totally f'd up in Somalia, or how the "great" General Wesley Clark had his Army constantly "pinned down" by mountain rebels in the Balkans.
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