Thread: Sunday Meet
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Old 03-21-2004, 03:22 AM
moshols vx moshols vx is offline
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Success at last!

Well after a rather shaky start the day turned out tops. I found my keys in a cupboard where they are not usually kept.

I had a very embarassing moment when Paulie got me to drive his car (which sounded awesome) and i did not really want to 'rip it up' as it wasn't mine and there were cops everywhere. I pulled over on the main drag to swap cars & handed Paul his keys. Then i jumped into mine (keys still in ignition) and turned them to hear a very loud scraping sound. I did this twice more and Kienen removed his helmut & yelled "your cars already on"! whoops. errr there were numerous other people around and i had to laugh & look other way each time i drove past.

Might move up to newie someday


Am going to try and load pics smaller than last time.
Rubbing hands gleefully for Sunday meet
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