Thread: Jae 2005
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Old 06-14-2005, 09:52 AM
Phil Hill Phil Hill is offline
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Norman (and everyone else !!)

If it's similar to last year it's easy, I'll check with Claire to confirm.

Basically if you arrive at the showground on Friday evening you pay to gain entry to the site. If you are intending to stay all weekend and camp it'll cost you £15 for the whole weekend. You will get id bands or what-ever at that point. Then someone should (!) ask you which club you are from and direct you to the stand. This is where it all went a bit pear-shaped last year as we had to find the stand ourselves, in the dark !! But it had a little sign on it saying "SVX World Network" so no worries.

Last year we camped on the stand, although it looks like this isn't the prefered option this year, but I'll check with Claire. The detail on "the organisation" forum pages state it's ok to camp on the stand, but they expect tentage to be down and off-stand by 9am each day, so obviously they want to keep camping to the camping areas not on the stands. Checking the map it seems that there is a camping area directly behind "our" stand so we should be able to camp there...........

For daily entants, just arrive at the Club entrance (will be separate to general public entrance), pay your day's entry and tell them which club. Again someone *should* direct you to the stand.........

Next item to discuss is equipment and provisions. Last year we had a nice little gazebo brought by Tony, and some tables/camping chairs etc. It would be good if we could get something like this again for the stand. We need to start thinking about provisions.......... Last year we all kinda pitched in with stuff, which was good. Do we need to be any more organised this year, or shall we just go with the flow again ?? Your thoughts please..........

Another point from "the rules", for those who intend to cook on-site any form of Barbeque or fire must be kept off the ground this year. So disposable barbees must have some sort of frame to keep them off the ground.

Just keeps on coming don't it !!

Only the depth varies..............
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