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Old 07-29-2010, 02:03 AM
SoobCrazy SoobCrazy is offline
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Re: how bad are some of those leading our country ?

Thanks for the clarification NikFu.

Mr. Lee, you realize that taxes actually pay for things? Like schools, school books, lunches for kids at school, roads, the defense of our nation, etc. ad nausium. I'm all for paying taxes, as long as they aren't going into someone's pocket because I actually use a lot of the services provided by taxes, like the government subsidized student loans I'm paying off. If you want a tax break, petition your representatives to pass laws taxing the super rich, they are the ones who can actually afford it. Do you drive on roads? Did you go to public schools? Do you go to parks?

When I asked the point of your video, it wasn't out of ignorance, I heard what the guy was saying. I just tend to block out people, like Mr. Wynn, who curse during interviews and are so entrenched in their ideals that they can't seem to stay calm when discussing them. Hard to take someone seriously when they react like a nut-job during an interview.
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