Thread: Need parts?
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Old 12-06-2007, 09:19 PM
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max_power239 max_power239 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: San Antonio, TX
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Stop Whining

The SVX is like having a unicorn as a ranch horse. Gets the job done, looks great, performs amazing, and rare as well a unicorn. If your unicorn throws a shoe and someone finds a magical elf making the shoes then don't piss all over the elf or the person who found it just cause he or the elf may have wronged you in the past by sleeping with your wife or punching your mother or whatever. If the elf never wronged me guess what, I wanna know when he's having a magical cheap rainbow fun sale or whatever. Do I care that you were wronged, no, because guess what, I care more about saving money and fixing cars than your weeping heart and your scorching case of herpes. Another thing, don't make statements like "well that's your opinion" or things to that effect, then immediately follow with some douchebagish remark that implies that you think your opinion is the only one that matters. That's just being a douchebag. The point being, don't trust elves, they'll sleep with your wives and punch your mothers.....I think I confused myself.
Homer: There's the right way, the wrong way, and the MAX POWER WAY!
Bart: Isn't the Max Power way the wrong way?
Homer:Yes but faster!
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