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Old 02-18-2006, 03:29 PM
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Electrophil Electrophil is offline
Which manual is "that" in??
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Posts: 3,962
I can't believe this thread even exists.

Logic.... pure Logic.

Dec, 2000: 400billion dollar surplus, Stock market above 11,000, unemployment in a record low 3 percentile, no war dead in 8 years, no American soil terrorist attacks (Besides that McVeigh psycho) since the Bush Senior Administration, NO WAR DEAD in 8 years.

Jan, 2001: Bush, the failed businessman takes over and is informed by the outgoing administration that Osama Bin Laden is America's number one threat. Bush gives a tax cut to his buddies and goes on vacation.

Feb 2001: The very first of the 9/11 terrorists start arriving in the US.

Mar 2001: Bush goes on Vacation

Apr: 2001: 9/11 Terrorists meet in Las Vegas. FBI informs CIA. Tenet trys to schedule meeting with the president. President informs him to debrief with his NSA.

May, 2001: Bush goes on Vacation. Tenet is getting the run around trying to schedule a meeting with the president over this terrorist cell operating in the US, and Osama.

June, 2001: Unemployment hits 6.2%, almost double the low set in November, 2000.

July, 2001: Polls come out to show Bush is at 38% approval.

Aug, 2001: Bush is still on Vacation from July, and receives his famous "Osama is planning to strike the US with a terrorist attack" memo. It is Tenet's last ditch effort to get his attention. Tenet submits a letter of resignation.

Sept, 2001: Terrorists attack... Bush panics while enjoying a children's book as the second plane strikes the remaining Tower. He then gets in Air Force One and does circles over the state of Wyoming trying to figure out where he left his keys. Oh yeah!! At the white house! Tenet resigns.

Oct, 2001: Bush declares himself the savior against terrorism, and America's only hope for protection. His approval shoots to the 80 percentile under the guise of "Support your prez during time of crisis."

The rest is history. Iraq, etc... All is known history.

If you were for the guy at first? Fine. Who could know he would be this bad. If you are stinkeen' rich.... Well, you should be for him. He is your president.

What matters now is the facts. And the facts are he has failed at every endeavor, just as he did in business. A vote for him at the beginning is natural, and no big deal.

To still be behind his decisions now? I want some of whatever drug you are on.. It's black and white, and no amount of spin can change that. He has been extremely bad at making decisions, and it shows in both foreign and domestic policies.

Is Bush in jail yet? (Looks frantically at watch, then back up) How about now? Now? Come onnnnnn...... Someone freeze me until January, this wait is killing me.
Update: 09 January, and still not in jail! Wassup??

1992 Teal LS-L - 160k (Now new and improved with perfect paint!)
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