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Old 10-14-2005, 02:58 AM
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Matthewmongan Matthewmongan is offline
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Originally Posted by ensteele
"Feminism strives for equality but the way it does this is by creating a division. Suddenly, the world is divided into feminist and non-feminist. By accepting the labels of manliness and womanliness we create a fracture between the two."

One thing that has not been memtioned yet is that TRUE FEMINISM does strive for equality, but goes one step further! Now many of the true feminists celebrate being superior to man and that they can do anything without men. They no longer need men for partners in life, husbands, or fathers of their children. This movement has confused the roles of men and women to the point that many no longer really know what role they play in life. There is a Big difference between the sexes, and we should be happy that we are different. If we are the same, how boaring it would be.
in the philosophical view of feminism, what you describe would be considered feminist elitism. they are as unjust as the men who orpess women or the any other racist.

it is easily aparent that thier exist diferences between the sexes. however, those diferences to easily become steriotypes. it is easy to see the diferences between two things and infer an opinion. e.g. any child can see that a cube is a cube and a ball is a ball but it takes wisdom to understand the similarities between the two.

Maybe it is western philosophical importance on the self that makes it so hard for people to understand the importance of unity.

let me put it this way. what would you say is the largest life form on this planet? a whale? what if i told you that it is a forest of aspen trees? you see only the tops of the trees but when you dig under the surface of the earth you can planly see that all the roots are interconected and that each tree is part of a larger organism. dig under the surface of your perception and you will find the same thing. descarte's idea that he is a "thinking being" which he uses to postulate that he "thinks there fore (he) is" is a good view to take. if we are all thinking beings are the diferences that we can see really important?
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