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Old 04-26-2010, 05:54 AM
sowise sowise is offline
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Location: Nottingham, PA
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Re: Suspension Talks: Understeer & Oversteer

I placed the Rallitek sway bar set up on my 2000 Legacy L sedan. It increased the front sway bar to 22mm and the difference was night and day in handling. The front end doesn't roll like it used to at all. I enjoy high speed cornering and now the car will go where I am steering too until the tires break free in a sideways power slide but I still feel in control. Before I could be steering into a corner and the car would continue in a straight line as the weight shifted forward even though my wheels were turned, there isn't always room or time to throttle it back under control so it was part of the reason for the need to improve it. This was based on just my driving impressions of it before and after, nothing to technical involved.
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