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Old 01-13-2004, 09:32 PM
Shadow248 Shadow248 is offline
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Originally posted by Seraph
Have you been around any computer store when a sales person who is working on comission is BSing his A$$ off to sell a school teacher 400 dollar printer when the man can print as well on a 30 buck printer?
The real tragic part of that situation is that IF that salesperson sold the $30 printer when he could have sold the $400 printer, he would have been fired. The commission sales field is as cutthroat as it gets. It's kill or be killed. That's why I got out.
The BSers are the ones getting the bonuses and bosses' congratulations, and the ones who tell the honest truth get canned because they aren't selling enough. Hate it all you want, but it's never going to change.

Originally posted by Seraph
I have also seen many incidents where a car dealer try to BS his way to sell a POS car.
Of course, how else do you suppose all these Fords found their way to the road?

originally posted by Seraph
merely pointed out that his company was voilating federal law and that I was going to report it...If I had access to their system/cell towers, I could fix it. Can I have access to their system? No.
Then let them do what they are paid to do. You work for Motorola, not Sprint, so let them do their thing and you do yours. Sprint continues to operate one of the largest networks in the US. Sounds to me like they know enough about what they are doing. Wouldn't you agree?

Originally posted by Seraph
I had great help from every single phone company's customer service I had so far. I've managed to get more minutes with Tmobile, bumped on higher priority call list with Cingular and such. With nextel, I was on the test group and PTT was free for peer to peer as well as peer to group but that's work related (mot makes iden phones/towers and in turn, we get those free if you are a MOT employee for Iden group).
Man you really need a hobby or something. This is just not healthy. Ever try skiing? It's fun!

Last edited by Shadow248; 01-13-2004 at 09:35 PM.
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