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Old 02-22-2006, 05:41 PM
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First of all, if you don't vote... Shut the heck up... period... Second of all I love how everyone is trying to blame Bush for everything. I am currently double majoring in school. One in finance and the other in economics. The "recession" that we were in first of all started before Bush even took office and second of all by definition it wasn't even a recession, but rather a slow down in growth. These morons that are on here talking about the DOW as if that is what measures our economy and the economic well-being of our nation's citizens don't have a clue. Also, Clinton had TWO opportunities to get Bin Laden while he was aboard a tanker in the Golf of Aden. Two Seal teams were deployed and en-route to intercept the ship when Clinton called it off. Explain that one.
As far as Iraq goes: I have three of my best friends over there. Two in the Army and one in the Marines. They were in the front lines at the very beginning and have been in many tight situations. My friend that is a Marine is in a specialized recon unit and during the course of one of their missions he lost several guys and yet (he's back now) when he tells me stories he talks about the horrific things he's seen, but he also talks about the positives. No one over here can sit and watch George Stephanopolous, Peter Jennings (dead now), or any of the other left-leaning news people and take what they say for the gospel truth. How do they know that the majority of the Iraqi population does not support us? They don't. There are dumb people (I'm trying to be kind, really I am) who will take what these anchors say as 100% true. There are people over there who don't like us at all, but the majority of the Iraqi population DOES support us. The major media outlets won't report the good that goes on, but rather they want to cover anything that puts Bush in a bad light. Why? Because bad publicity sells.
I could keep going but I gotta head over to the gym for soccer practice. I'll let some other people put their 2 cents in and I'll write some more later
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