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Old 01-31-2006, 03:25 PM
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Definitely get a britax marathon. Just prepare yourself for the cost (260 dollars) its one of the best seats available. I'm a CPST (child passenger safety technician) and its the best seat.

It has so many great things about it i could write you a book!

First off it has a small base so it will fit well in the couture of the seats and wont mess up the leather. Which is nice b/c lets face it this is your svx

Its a great seat b/c it can be used rear facing to 33 pounds. The longer a child rear faces the safer she is. The legal minimum may be 20 pounds AND one year but many children do not have strong enough spines to withstand a frontal impact crash in a FFing seat until they are 18 months old. She is also more comfortable rear facing b/c her legs wont dangle (as she gets taller she may choose to cross them or to put the up against the back of the seat) the dangling causes most kids legs to fall asleep. Here are a few links for you to look at about rfing: (this one has crash test videos and is really good) (this one is an album of older kids in RFing carseats)

The marathon also has a harnessing limit of 65 pounds, which means you wont need to get a new seat till she's 5 or so. Harnessing is safer and most kids aren't mature enough to sit still enough for a booster until they are 5 or 6.

It also has built in lock offs which is basically a built it locking clip. So you'll never need to fight with the metal ones. It also makes for much faster installs so you could buy one and after you get the hang off installing it you can use it in 2 or more car with no issue.

Its also has no twist straps so you wont have to replace the harness or risk her safety b/c of the straps being twisted (a big plus as you'll be using this seat for years!)

And the best part of the marathon is it comes in nearly a dozen cover choices so you can get one in a pattern thats not too babyish and is cool enough for your SVX. (really it isnt the best but come on its cool)

Heres a link to britax's convertible line : They offer 3 different American marathons (the decathlon is a marathon with extra padding and the boulevard is a marathon with extra side impact protection. They both sell for close to 300 dollars.) They also offer the roundabout which is a nice seat but is still 200 dollars and only harnesses to 40 pounds. (a good choice for those who want to move on to the husky but as the husky is too wide for the SVX it isnt the best route for you. )

The graco seat is not a very recommended seat. It has ridiculously low top slots so the kid out grows it early and you'd need a different seat.

Cosco makes the senerca, its only 39 to 49 dollars and it rear faces to 35 pounds. Its a ok seat its the cheapest on the market and fairly narrow so it should work in the SVX.

You'll want to avoid the cosco 3 in 1 line. They are NOT 3 in one. And they wont fit in the svx properly. (anyone who has one of these should PM me. As its very very likely you missed some very very important info in the manual b/c they 'forgot' to put it in the manual and never did an official recall!)

OK well there's my book. I think i'll end it with: DO NOT TURN YOUR CHILD FORWARD FACING UNTIL THEY ARE 30+ POUNDS. Their ability to walk is not a factor in their ability to live thru a crash. And pediatricians tend to get parents to FF their children b/c they dont know the facts (they get APA bulletins that say at 1 year they should be able to survive. We get NHTSA bulletins that say that children are dying from being turned too early.) Turning them early is dangerous, turning them late is smart.
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