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Old 07-27-2005, 12:39 PM
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benebob benebob is offline
Have a poncho I can borrow?
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Lancaster, PA
Posts: 6,561
Visit our Race Car site and rate it! is giving away prizes for the most rating points for pictures and for the most rating points for the site in the month of July. We should have the site taken care of but we're a few votes behind for the top picture of the month. First prize for both is a pair of driving shoes which Dave and I really need since they give proper heel- toe positioning for shifting . You do have to register to vote but it shouldn't take ya more than 5 minutes or so. You can rate as many pictures as you want but the site only once. We are of course loosing to a sparcely clothed young lady so don't make me get Hocrest in his birthday suit standing in front of the race car to get the votes PLEASE!!!
British vehicles are my last ditch attempt to keep the nasty Italian thoughts in my mind at bay. So far its working.
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