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Old 04-18-2006, 04:09 PM
Posts: n/a
Sorry for the hold up. One of our benches is down and the other has had me all tied up with our race cars heads. I do have some good news however, my teacher has agreed to apply his experimental port and seat geometry to my heads. This is something I have mentioned here before but it was shot down Also my boss is going to cut the valve seats for me (hes kind of good at that) As I have mentioned before there is some dead space in the ports which I'm filling with z-spar (marine grade bondo). There hasn't been any detectable loss in flow from the filling so engine response should improve noticeably. I haven't touched the exhaust yet. My teacher is going to do one cylinder with his design in about a week and it will take alittle longer to get the odd sized valves in
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