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Old 03-29-2010, 09:03 PM
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Re: What is happening with SVXWN?

Originally Posted by NiftySVX View Post
It has been my feeling for quite some time that the forum has outlived its usefulness to many of the senior members. At this point, it has been in need of an overhaul for years. I said something to this effect awhile back, and I have some ideas about how we could change it, mainly with the technical section in the orginization of subcategories with background information and certain "experts" in each area could get their minds together in a thread that would outline the information to be in that subcategory, as some of us have been working on these cars a long time now and are actually professional technicians or might as well be. For example: I get alot of questions to my personal email about the air conditioner and the transmission. These should be organized into sections like A/C questions, Transmission questions, etc. Clicking on these links would have all the background info in a sticky for pulling codes and that sort of thing, and some of us could answer specific questions that are beyond the descriptions of the common problems of the car, if we had experience in that area or with that system. Some, like me, have had SVXs for so long now that we are experiencing repeat failures and have tried different fixes and know what will work and what won't, not to mention owning one of these for 10+years will give you a good idea of what problems are likely to show up.

We also need to do something about the arguing on this site, I mean in some places it is appropriate, in others it is not.

I find myself posting less and even visiting less because I still think it was pretty absurd with what happened at reading, that was a major slap in the face, because some of the people did all this work to have that pace car there and simply said "oh well you won't want to miss reading this year" Which is subjective, considering I live across the country and work a job where I will loose about $250 per day I am not at work, and I do not get paid time off. It should have been put out there that this was a possibility, no matter what, It could have been announced months before that this was a possibility and I could have come. Had it been stated that it was a 30% possibility, I would have come. It would have put me in a bind, but i would have come. The witholding of this information baffles me and I can not understand why it was done that way, unless there is some sort of "elite" group of network members that are privy to that information and the other "lesser" members don't get to be in the circle.

Furthermore, It is at the point now where someone asks a question, and someone knowledgeable gives an answer, and either they don't like it or someone else tells them they are wrong. So what is the point in posting?

That's some thoughts I have on the run of things. Probably sounds harsher than it is. But "it is what it is"
You know, I was not going to respond to this post, but the more I think about it, I must.
You make some good points, but I just have to call you on your jab at the organizers of the last year's READING. You obviously don't know or don't care how much work a number of folks put into getting the pace car there (or what it cost either) and organizing the meet in general. It was a judgment call to not tell the group as a whole that the pace car "could be there. You say you would have come (I know. It's a long drive for you and you would have to take off work like most that attended) even if there had been only a 30% chance of the pace car being there. But I bet you you would have been the first in line to complain bitterly that you were duped into coming if for some reason the car was not there. Over the years I have been a member of many, many organizations, and the one constant is people that don't do anything to help (for an event or whatever) but are the first to complain. I see it almost every day in a current car club I belong to and certainly with my community's HOA.
I ask that if you are serious about doing something positive for this network and this car, organize a good meet in your area and grow it to what READING has become. I'll tell you now: be prepared to put in a lot of time and effort! It has been said before, but I'll say it again: it's about the people! If you would go to READING only to see the pace car and not meet the people that love this car, the SVX, then you are (and have) missed out on something very special.
I could go on, but I won't. Just try to appreciate what people last year tried to do rather than complain about it.
1992 SVX LSL, #1215
1997 SVX LSi, #370
"I live with fear every day. Sometimes she lets me go racing."
"Getting Older and Slower"
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