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Old 09-20-2012, 07:26 PM
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wohnson89 wohnson89 is offline
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Re: Concerning the Movie About Islam

I usually don’t chime in on this part of the forum, but here goes nothing...

I don’t believe the guy that made the video was beyond his rights at all. Freedom of speech was one of the very ideals this country was founded on. In England if someone spoke out against the king, he had a good chance of being put in prison. So when this country was founded, freedom of speach was integral to the workings of the new system of government in the Americas.

As Americans we wouldn’t know how to cope with less freedom of speech, and honestly we don’t think about how blessed we are to have such a right. If an act was put in place that forced the people to tip-toe around and be politically correct about everything, it would mean that the government would have to monitor what everyone was saying just so that someone wouldn’t be offended. This would cause this country to turn into a military police state. And that goes against the very essence of the constitution. Freedom.

People have the right to say anything they want, but they need to have enough sense to know what to say and not to say. There is no doubt in my mind that this guy was stupid in doing what he did, but I don’t think it was lawfully wrong at all. If Muslims proclaim that ala is the one true god then why are they so worried about some video put out by this “infidel”? If Christians threatened to kill someone and start a war every time they were attacked in the media, there would be no more people in America.

It seems to me that there will always be chaos in the Middle East. They are like a bunch of fifth graders playing the blame game when they have no one to blame but themselves. I hate to say this but the one good thing about all those dictators that just got taken out of power is that they all controlled the Muslim brotherhood. It still gets me that through all their attacking the of the US embassies is that we are still sending them aid. I think that if we pulled out all the aid we are giving them and stop training the police so that they can kill us, maybe it would have an effect on them. People that radical cannot have treaties made between them and US. It is like the Indian wars of the 1700 and 1800’s. We would make peace with one group which had no authority and then expect all of them to abide by it. The ones that signed it might, but there is always going to be some rebel. I think the only thing that they will respond to is tough love. Right now we are drawing lines in the sand and daring them not to cross it or else, then when they cross that line we do the same thing again.

I don’t know how to fix this situation, but I pray our next president does.

*steps off soapbox*
1992 Subaru SVX LS-L Pearlie
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