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Old 10-16-2006, 09:07 AM
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mikecg mikecg is offline
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This is going to be fun. I picked out my costume for holloween, but i'm a cheap bastard. So instead of spending $50 for some cheap fabric and felt, I decided to make it myself. I think it is fitting, and my generate a few laughs. If your wondering what this has to do with this thread I'll exsplain now.

The costume I decided on is Speed Racer. The one at the store had a helmet made out of felt. I was like thats stupid, they could have at least used plastic. In my creative brain storming I figure a cheaper way out. The goodwill store had the necessary pants and a shirt that would need only minor changes. Cost $6.50. Then it was off to the Advance Auto were I bought 2 cans of white and 1 of red tempary paint. I finished painting my helment late saturday and relized I needed it next weekend. Well, If I'm wearing the helmet I'm going all out. Speed Racer will be attending both events this weekend.
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