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Old 01-29-2003, 06:52 PM
DavieGravy DavieGravy is offline
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Re: verdict

Originally posted by Noir
ok now folks,

i would like to hear the verdict on the fabled "DINGKING".

is it up to expectations? would you recommend to buy it? i have a million dents inherited from the previous owner i guess from hailstones on the car. on the side and on the top and hood. wonder how it dents on the side, but ah well.

buy it? or not?
From my experience, the "upgraded" kit isn't worth the extra $20 or so. All they give you is an extra container of solution (useful by the way,) 1 exact copy of each of the two pulling tabs you already get with the regular kit , and tons of extra glue sticks you could never possibly use. I haven't even gone through half a stick and have spent hours on end with the thing.

Now, it was mentioned earlier in this post that a similar kit can be purchased at Walgreen for about $20. If you can get one of these, I'd say go for it, regardless of the nature of the dents on your car. For twenty dollars, you really have nothing to loose. If you have, say, golf ball sized dings or bigger, then go with the regular kit from Dingking if you can't get one at Walgreen. Otherwise, don't bother. The kit is very ineffective on typical door dings.

Just my opinion.
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