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Old 12-15-2006, 01:20 PM
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Trevor Trevor is offline
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Those watching may elsewhere observe, a different form of curve.
Time now to divert, as all are on alert.

Not attempt a straight reply, better the shy slight of eye.
There must be another option, very worthy of adoption.

One can always manipulate, when there’s not room to stipulate.
The problem is to vindicate, a self inflicted sorry fate.

A series of excuses, might maybe loose the nooses.
I did not understand, a good tune for the wagon band.

But it is essential to overt, all from the obviously covert.
Several threads are now involved, these errors must be resolved.

Now the latest post of interest, shows even greater incest.
The thread is so cross threaded, that it is truly to be dreaded.

Facing the back of his ass, is this author of so much crass.
Again it has been spoken, that a “C” solenoid , is normally open.

Fail safe is an essential feature for every SVXy sort of creature.
But the application of the principal, is not obvious to our king invincible.

A reversal of his thinking, could prevent still further sinking,
For the world is truly round, as later will be surely found.

Watch all posts for the real oil, not good is any useless toil.
Correct and honest information, the essence of tranny transformation.

In spite ot this awful messy business, I wish all a very merry Christmas.
For the king in his upwards hole, may the bells off christmas truly toll.

May the new year come to pass with our king frontal on his ass,
learned and fully corrected and not otherwise rejected.

An honest correction, ensures non rejection,
stubborn insistence, Incessant resistance.

May the stupid stubborn old mole, in honesty crawl out of his hole.
Even with legs on his belly, not known to outlaw Ned Kelly.
To enjoy much endless cheer and a very happy New Year.

To end without plea, I now sign QED.
Trevor, New Zealand.

As a child, on cold mornings I gladly stood in cowpats to warm my bare feet, but I detest bull$hit!
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