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Old 04-04-2006, 03:03 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by mohrds
I guess I'll never understand why this is even an issue. You want to work here, you get a green card, you pay taxes into social programs. Public Libraries, public streets, and public parks aren't cheap to maintain. You want to vote, learn the national language and follow the guidlines to become a citizen. It's really that simple.

Umm....since when does the US have a national language?

The last time someone tried to make English ... err... sorry... American the official language, the bill didn't pass.

(Of course, I might have missed some new bill that managed to squeeze through lately, so do please correct me if I'm wrong! )

Last I heard, some group was trying to make the US officially bilingual, with English and ... you guessed it! ... Spanish.
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