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Old 11-10-2004, 06:37 AM
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Matthewmongan Matthewmongan is offline
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Location: Original Northwood, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
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yeah they left alot of unanswered questions and seemed to be incomplete but im hopeing that this one will tye them all together. we get to see yoda and darth sidious duke it out with the light sabers how bad could it be.

you have to understand that i never saw the origional trilogy in theaters so i never got the full theactrial impact of haveing to wait to see the next one. i cant imagine what it was like to see the empire strikes back and leave the theatre wondering weather luke was really the son of vader. i saw them back to back on vhs so i guess the power didnt convey. when you say that the prequils are that good your comparing it to the origional theactrical release that i didn't have the previlige of experiencing.

i did however get to see the re-release at the senator in baltimore an yes it was the shizznite
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