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Old 02-15-2006, 01:24 AM
Weebitob Weebitob is offline
The Kind of Casual SVXer
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Originally Posted by Noir
profit != prophet

or could it???

more $$$ for prophets?
Well, either way a newspaper columnist cartoonist working for any press company virtually anywhere has to make a profit, even if that means smearing a prophet.

Sorry about the spelling and grammar errors there.

As for Israeli troops directly working along with not only the Maronite Lebanese Militias but also Syrian troops I highly doubt not because I think that Israelis would never work with Syrians but because your typical Syrian would want to work with an Israeli. However, even though I do believe that the IDF did provide artilary support for the militias it seems they were on a need not to know basis on what exactly the militia were doing, they simply hired them to do a job and never told them how to accomplish it. But that still makes it a new low or large scare on Israel's reputation which will probably never be removed. As for Israelis electing a monster for their latest prime minister, I guess they figured it takes one to know one (as in one militarist influenced governing body dealing with another) and somehow considering the current situation I actually agree. However, if you provide for me an article or more detailed account of how Israel more closely worked with the Maronite Militia then my opinion maybe swayed on that issue.

Last edited by Weebitob; 02-15-2006 at 01:48 AM.
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