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Old 08-31-2005, 06:23 PM
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benebob benebob is offline
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Originally Posted by SVXtra
But in truth, the burden many Americans are experiencing with rising gas prices have been caused in large part by a presidential administration that has its energy policy formed in the corporate board rooms of the major oil company's. Who also just happen to be the Bush administration largest campain contributors of soft [unregulated] campaign funds. Coincidence? I think not.

Please get your facts straight, oil was the SECOND leading contibutor of soft funds to the Bush administration. It, however, was first by the slimist of margins for both the Democratic and Republican parties as a whole and 4th for the Kerry campaign. Truth be told it actually goes back to the policies of Reagan, Bush #1 and to some extent to the Clinton admin since the biggest issue with oil is refining it into usable products and these 3 previous administrations totally ignored the issue leaving it as a market controlled rather than of strategic national importance. On average it takes 7 years to build a refinary that is provided there are absolutely 0 issues with zoning or angry neighbors to the proposed site.

Sources are the Republican and Democratic National Committees on the contibution list!
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