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Old 01-02-2003, 04:16 AM
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Noir Noir is offline
Ever Vigilant He Never Sleeps.
Join Date: Dec 2002
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Sorry to hear about that Doggie. If you both did not report the incident to the police, you need to make sure that you call and explain to your insurance that the "other" driver hit the log so they can't say that "you" hit them. Saves the pain of people who tend to lie to get a claim. Without a police report it's really hard to point fingers because the insurance will ask why they did not file the report. Good thing you traded info because if he got your license he could try to file a hit and run later. Although it wasn't your fault (Act of God) I've dealth with people who tried to twist the truth to make a buck. All I have to say is that the lawyer made the money, neither me or the other person got anything good out of the total ordeal, just a waste of time and money! Good Luck!

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