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Old 09-01-2010, 02:21 PM
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benebob benebob is offline
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Re: Just wante to apologize.

Originally Posted by TomsSVX View Post
Ben, I know you... If it is a political argument (hell we know it was not a discussion) Then keep it in the political forum. That is besides the point that you, regardless of any humor that was poorly implied, were being quite abusive with your words. If I were your grandmother I would shake my finger at you.

No I thought it was quite clear. ANYBODY who would buy a car without looking under it is a complete idiot. ANYBODY who would sue over a car when they did not inspect it properly is a a complete idiot. Then you add in someone who has made a habit about *****ing about our government and its intrusiveness make that individual a superstar in the moron department. Wouldn't matter to me if it was Einstein or the Pope who was that stupid. I'd still call them what they are A COMPLETE MORON! I see no humor in idiots any more than I see humor in diapers. I would just rather see no one else be an idiot when they try to buy a car. There are way to many in this country already.

If that's fuzzy math to ya then maybe you shouldn't have gone to school to be a teacher diaper dandy!

For Landshark who needs it nice and short. Live what you preach or shut your trap.
British vehicles are my last ditch attempt to keep the nasty Italian thoughts in my mind at bay. So far its working.