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Old 12-06-2006, 02:58 AM
SHISVX SHISVX is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2002
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i can say from personal experience that i was one of those 17 year old kids

my mom told me the first speeding ticket i liscence is gone that kept me in check

when i really learned that people don't just walk around in their own special protective bubble is when i joined as a volunteer on a rescue squad...

short form of the story, two 17 year old boys were speeding down the road and the driver wrapped his passager side front door around a telephone pole. the driver was okay..and i was the first one to the car. the passager was unconscious and posturing (something that people do when they significant brain damage...possibly a bleed) and bleeding from the ears and the mouth. i wasn't small enough to squeeze into the car to really get to him, so i squeezed the best i could...

while the crash team cut the car up so we could get him out...i talked to him..i called his name out with no response. i just kept suctioning the blood out of his mouth to keep his airway open. as soon as we got him out the medivac landed and he was off to a trauma center.

lucky he is alive and not dependent on a ventilator, probably because the quick response of the helicopter and the flight team. by the grace of god he is walking and talking, not as great as he was but he still moves air through his lungs

this wasn't the first and wasn't the last accident i cried my way home from. most cars i've seen with half that damaged, passagers were not that lucky

i was 18

now i am 24 and an emergency room RN.. and the stories get worse because now i not only deal with the dying child...but the family as they watch

pictures and stories won't cure and dad telling him how bad and dangerous a car really is won't do it....don't you know, he knows everything. saddly the first accident that was close to home for me.. i was 16 and three kids were killed in a car accident, i was dating a passager

i guess just remind him that driving is something a responsible adult does and if he tends to continue to drive...he will do it have the power to take his keys away. if he was my kid....i would take him to work with me..

i hope the best in the world for you and your son...i hope he comes around...good luck

Previous owner of the
Princess Pearlie "Dimples"
as of 8/6/03
1992 LS-L Pearl 124k
"Yeah, that thingy!"
owner of the new 1992 LS-L Pearl "Susie"
I am a pessimistic optimistic. I think the worst is going to happen, that way when it does, i don't feel as bad, but if the best happens, i am twice as happy.
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