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Old 07-07-2011, 01:24 AM
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david_12121 david_12121 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: SF,CA,US
Posts: 205
Registered SVX
Re: should i buy the SVX?

this is not going well for me!
so far Ron thinks i'm gonna crash and die!
crazy pilot thinks i don't understand handling
msvx95 thinks i don't have any money
Huskymaniac thinks i should probably start my own business!

1: even my parents say i'm a careful this ~2 years i've been driving from time to time, i've never been even close to having an accident!
2:i do understand handling man! i've driver a a legacy, bunch of SVX's, a ford taurus! and a toyota minivan, etc and no matter how dumb i might be, i can understand the difference...i understand the steering feel and so on
3:i worked and i'm literally buying the car with my own money! i'll have enough to pay small fixes
4:Huskymaniac you should really be proud of your son!

guys i just asked a few questions and i'm really regretting it, i hate it when people think all teenagers are idiots
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