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Old 03-24-2008, 11:36 AM
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thanks for the answers! thatll help me if i ever sell it, maybe when the world ends.... or i find a 5 speed i want.

i do know the guy i bought it from was a car person. he had his own bay at a porsche shop (which is where the svx was, it was sweet to see the suped up cars and racers) the svx was just a hobby. he has another one, and also a parts car too. he had an offer on the other svx too, he may have sold it, but im not sure.

anyway, if in fact he hadnt driven the particular svx i bought from him in awhile i could understand him not noticing the odometer. the first time i test drove it the belt that connects with the alternator, p/s and whatever else wasnt on so i had to take a quick test drive, he replaced it before i bought it, anyway my point is he probably didnt drive it with no belt. the other svx he had was his driver.
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