Thread: Popups?
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Old 11-05-2002, 02:31 PM
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vkykam vkykam is offline
The Road Less Traveled
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When life takes over me, I reply 3 weeks late...

Anyhoo, the "resource" meter isn't really all that useful anyways, and I've never figured out what good it serves, except as an indicator of how much junk you are loading at startup.

I've never been able to get that resource meter down to 0. I've tried using a 386SX16 with 8Mb RAM many years back running Win 3.11, and loaded up 12 applications at once. Down to 6%, but never crashed.

If you have a CD-RW and a program such as Norton Ghost, you can do a full backup to a CD-RW, and try Win2K or XP. I've been a big proponent of Win2K (NT 5.0) and WinXP (NT 5.1) because of stability. Not that Unkle Bill is a friend of mine, but if you have to run a Mickeysoft O/S, you might as well run a (much) more stable one than Win98.


Originally posted by wasions
Sometimes I use Wipeout or FreeRam XP Lite (both freeware memory liberators), but still don't notice any difference in resources. It'd be nice if MS just let you select a bigger slice of memory for resources. For the most part though, even though my resources get real low (I seen it as low as 32) my Dell has never shown many ill effects like freezing up or anything.
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