Thread: text messaging
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Old 12-08-2009, 04:58 AM
sowise sowise is offline
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Re: text messaging

good things about texting also would be that you can get a text message out with almost no signal as someone else kinda mentioned when it just isn't strong enough for a call. (like my work where cell phone signals are blocked I can get texts out).
Big Negative
Ask Tiger Woods, texts and all the little locations that they can be saved on your phone can come back to haunt you or others can save texts you may not have expected so becareful what you say and who you say it to.

I have to say I got into texting because of a younger girl I was dating, gone were the days where you kind of had to sit on the phone because they didn't want you to get off the phone so you had to sit there and listen to them breath and say whatever flittered through their head as they said it, now I can just ignore it, or reply later.
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