Thread: SVX Pet Names?
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Old 09-06-2002, 12:07 AM
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Question SVX Pet Names?

What's your SVX's name?

How did you come up with that name?

What inspired you?

Or maybe it's like a bad girlfirend....takes all your money.

Or could it be that you are the bad one... using your "friend" to get girls (or guys)...???

Maybe you are like ICEDOUTSVX and would have sex with your SVX?

Maybe you just named it...cuz you think naming you car is cute.

Well whatever the reason, just let us know...this should be fun!

I'll begin by saying my mother began this thing with naming cars when I was little. She had this old Cream colored Ford Tempo GLS. She named that car Buck. That damn car lived through every Ice and snow storm, you could possibly imagine. We went everywhere in that car and it had no A/C. This car made it through muddy roads, through flooded roads, icy hills, and we even ran from a crazy lady tryin to hit us one time. Now this all happened aorund the time I was 5 years old until I was about these events seemed quite huge at the time...but it was still a hell of a car. We traveled back and forth from Nashville, TN. to Kansas many many times. Oh I'm not saying this car was "super car" and never had any had a crap load of problems.... but My Mom, my brother and I loved that car. I think when we finally retired that car over to her father (4 years ago) it had 210,000+. I looked at my mother as she looked for the last time at that old Ford and I could see tears in her eyes. For a moment I had felt that losing that car was like losing someone I had such fond memories with, and guess what... Buck still runs today!

She now drives a Black w/ Dark red leather interior 89 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme.... She has name this one Champ. She has grown to enjoy this car very much also, but nothing will ever outlive the legend of Buck.

Now, after you skipped that long paragraph cuz it looked exhausted, I'll finish up by saying....
I've named my car Cisceal ...
I know how to say it but I don't know if I'm spelling it right. ("C-I-S" is pronounced like the sound "Sys" and "C-E-A-L" is pronounced like the marine animal)

Reason: Becuase the car is sexy to me (not as sexy as ICEDOUTSVX thinks). But it's like a really fine could be sittin there eatin a ham sandwich and out of no where comes one of the most beautiful girls you have ever seen...and of course you stare......... and wanna ask her questions. Same with SVX.

Getting technical with it: In the name Cisceal there's there the leters E, A, L. The same leters of the word "Pearl"...and my car is considered Pearl Green. Also the name Cisceal isn't that common, just like the SVX.

I don't know maybe my reasons are dumb...but they are good enough for me and I think it fits quite well.

So what's yours?

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