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Old 10-25-2007, 04:51 AM
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Originally Posted by svxistentialist View Post

I feel there is more of a circus aspect to the Rodeo, which is admitted by the use of clowns. But they sure are fit and brave people.

I've been to one bullfight in Spain, in Malaga. I would not wish to go again. There is an art to it for sure, and I respect the culture of it even while not liking it. Diversity is what makes human culture interesting.

Even on our best days if you probe underneath the rocks of history we are only a few generations up from barbarity. I would be more put out by how the Conquistadores treated the native American Indios tribes, rather than how they butcher a few steaks on the hoof, but that's me.
I'm funny like that.

Joe, you surprise me, and not pleasantly.

Why would one respect a culture which remains barbaric? You excuse and respect the Spaniards and their culture, because over centuries they have improved. I say they have a very long way to go before they can hold their heads up within decent modern society.

It does not concern you “how they butcher a few steaks on the hoof”. An animal is tormented, worn down, cruelly disabled so that it is easy meat (pun intended). Then crudely killed for no other reason than as a spectacle, and you are sure that an acceptable art form is involved.

I too enjoy a steak confident that in this country and within my culture, the animal involved has been killed humanely. I am funny like that.

Please explain how this display of “art” can be enjoyed by a decent human being. The only pretence towards art is the curveting of the matador. His assisting guards/protectors set the real scene as they make bloody (Pun intended) sure that his opponent is an easy kill. Are you aware of the protective features included within the Matadors pretty outfit?

Yes there is a circus aspect to a Rodeo and it is decent to the point that it can be watched by children. Here they are provided with the chance to ride a lively sheep and join in the fun. In doing so they too take a risk and bruises and grazes are common place.

It would not surprise me to learn that Spanish children are initiated as spectators at the bull ring. If not, the promoters would have no prospective audience on tap.

Trevor, New Zealand.

As a child, on cold mornings I gladly stood in cowpats to warm my bare feet, but I detest bull$hit!
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