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Old 01-25-2006, 07:17 AM
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benebob benebob is offline
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Join Date: May 2001
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Originally Posted by Shadow248
Here's an idea. How about you try to write JUST ONE post like a big boy ok?

You've already demonstrated that you can carry on a conversation in the most personally insulting, immature manner. So why not try something different and actually make a point, or prove JUST ONE of your assertions?

Every time I am asked for proof or something to back up my opinion, i produce it. I TRY to conduct every argument in the most civilized and mature manner possible. There are just some members, such as yourself, who cannot handle this apparently immense responsibility. You disagree with my opinion, but instead of stating that and offering reasons why, you simply resort to insults and personal attacks. It's a waste of time, and makes YOU look like the village idiot.

I've tried to make many points of your ignorance in the past but you're too dumb to realize it. It seems this is the only thing that might get what I want. RID OF YOU AND YOU'RE IGNORANCE and again, I'm not arguing. No need to I simply state facts and let the reader interpret them. Why don't ya go back to one of your glorious, bankrupt companies sites and try to figure out how such a great company is selling bonds barely above junk status. This whole place and the world for that matter will be better for it!

Save your stinking arguing for when you have to explain to the cop your love of 16 year olds.
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