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Old 10-21-2003, 09:05 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Trevor
Thank you Porter much appreciated.

What you say eaclty confirms my own opinion.

Or should I say --- Great you bloody old mate you are spot on. The greasy buggers do savvy eh ?! Had to make real shure they were not trying to sort of rip me off and shove stuff into the old bomb it didn't Kneed. Bloody hell that would piss a man off. Good to no I have me head on strait. Buggers got to be shore on that one. Whatcha think mate ?

The above is NOT intended to be sarcastic but sort of oily humour on troubled waters. ( **** there I go again ) Those don't no wot i am yackin about, forget it. Am i gettin toyah ??

Cheers, etc. Trevor
Well said! All arguments aside, I still think we'd enjoy a beer if we're ever in the same hemisphere.
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