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Old 06-20-2009, 10:02 PM
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Family FIRST!! OR/ why I have been absent

I got a call towards the end of may. I was at work. My 89 year old Mom had fallen and broke her arm. She didn't want to 'bother' the ambulance crew, so she waited for me to come get her.

I have been staying at the 'home place' just about every night since.
I get 1 night per week when I can actually SLEEP at MY house!

I have 4 siblings but one 'boards' livestock, so he has to feed, the nother-brother has a blind wife at home and my little sister is caring for her son with cancer. My other sister has critters too, but she does haul Mom to all her appointments.
I get to take her hair curlers out, cook, wash dishes, do laundry and water the plants in the greenhouse.

My wife is still caring for HER Mom at my home. She has been here for 7 years now. She has alzheimers.

I THOUGHT that I would get to relax in my favorite chair tonight... 8:15 PM, sat night the eldest daughter called..." I think that Shayna has been SHOT!!" OK, You have my ATTENTION!!

She explained that her MORON neighbor had come out of his house and fired a shotgun into the air TOWARDS my daughters house, she heard BBs hitting her pond and her 10 year old daughter yell! She had been struck in the neck!

he was far enough away that it didn't do any serious damage (YET)

I told her to call the COPS, and that I was on my WAY!!

I delivered my FAVORITE 'toy'. a 'cut down' Mauser bolt action, gray powder coated, re chambered for 308 cal., a box of 'Brass Jacket 'soft tips', a Bushnell 'STALKER' scope that makes a business card look like a LEGAL pad at 100 yards!

I told her to fire a 'warning shot'... CENTER BODY MASS!! If the MORON EVER shot at my grandkids again!!

For now, we give the nice cop we talked to for an hour a chance...
I'm not a REDNECK! I am an Appalachian-AMERICAN!!

"Can't go to work today. The 'voices' said to "Stay home and clean the guns".

Most famous Red-Neck last words...
" Hey Everybody, Watch This!!)
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