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Old 11-28-2011, 04:30 PM
92snowmachine 92snowmachine is offline
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Re: front brake rotors

Originally Posted by Huskymaniac View Post
Here is a link I found on cryo treating:

It claims that surface uniformity is improved, which should help spread out the heat. It also claims that thermal conductivity is better. Finally, it claims that cracking from residual stress is reduced as is wear. So maybe a rotor that is cry treated before cross drilling is the best bet. You get the benefits of cross drilling, avoid the cracking issues, get better thermal properties, get a more uniform surface and get more miles before the rotors get too thin, which also leads to localized overheating.
i have heard lots of claims for cryo treating but they always back down when questioned hard or some sort of warranty to back their claims is asked for. my friend with a machine shop sends parts out for freezing before machining them and says they machine very well after being frozen but it's easier to machine them, and they don't wear out his tools as fast. he didn't know why they seem softer but this is in contradiction to their claims. i have seen lots of parts cryo treated from spark plugs (for mileage) and distributor drive gears(to prevent sheering the gears) to brake rotors (to prevent warping and supposedly last forever) and tools (to make them unbreakable). all have had the same results, pretty much none.
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