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Old 01-22-2005, 09:45 AM
Posts: n/a
Wait a tea that is actually hot? No way. What's next? Iced tea that is actually ice cold! Maybe I can sue my local Dunkin Donuts for giving me frostbite on my tongue because they served me iced coffee that was too darn cold.

These people are the reason we have stupid warning labels on products, like the one I saw on a hairdryer: "Do not use while taking a shower or a bath." Well, DUH!!!

What the heck is the matter with people these days!

This reminds me of the guy who is suing the producers of the show "Fear Factor" because he felt faint and barfed when the host of the show put dead rats in a blender and had the contestants drink it. And just who put the gun to this guys head and FORCED him to watch Fear Factor anyway??? And why didn't he turn the channel when they announced what the next stunt would be???

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