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Old 06-15-2007, 04:54 PM
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nonSTOP_service nonSTOP_service is offline
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Transmission Concerns

Hey all, me again. This time I have a slightly more useful question for ya'll.

It's about mah tranny.

Ya see, when I'm pulling out of the parking lot of my apartment, I notice that the car seems to shift rather rough into 2nd. Nothing serious, just a bit harder than I'd expect. But into all other gears are fine, and when I pull from a light, and accel a bit harder than the 15mph lot speed limit allows, it generally shifts fine.

Am I just being a hypochondriac, or should I be lookin for some repair work soon?
"A car is made to be driven."

1992 Subaru SVX LS-L Scratched Silver Metallic

"Hey what's that green power light mean?"
"It means we're beating that Porsche."
"What Porsche?"
"Look behind us."
- actual conversation
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