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Old 02-09-2006, 06:11 AM
dcarrb dcarrb is offline
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Here's the thing: It's not the government that runs this country; it's corporations. And corporations are the entities that have made a commodity of personal information. What's so chilling about the notion of "commercial" medical databanks is that, with genetic testing for a predisposition to disease (say, if cancer runs in your family), and data accessible from everyone from your doctor to the drugstore where you use a discount card to save a buck or two (tracking your purchases all the while), it could get to the point folks are excluded from medical insurance or even treatment based on these medical "ratings," just as a credit rating establishes worthiness for a credit card or mortgage.

"Sorry, but your ratings exclude you from eligibility for a transplant. Says here you'll probably develop cancer within the next ten years. Bummer."

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