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Old 02-08-2007, 03:22 PM
Nomad Nomad is offline
The car named NIGHTMARE
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Trois-Rivieres , Québec
Posts: 304
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Okay , I got an idea... For you all !

Hi , It's been 2 years now that im with this car...And now's the time to do something a bit different I hope : I want to rebuild the whole engine ( cause the last time i've put 3000$ , the guy stole it with my money ... ) , Put a 6 speed and turbo charge it in the same week or two . I'm far away so , i'll go to somebody's place that has the equipment , and we'll do the job there. I can sleep in a motel or in my car . The members could come by , check or help us ! Of course , I'll pay the time or the job if needed , beers , pizzas , dancers .... even pompom girls ! BBQ party and things like that . Is anybody up for the chalenge. The thing is , My grand-father died before christmas , he have given me some cash and in the testament he said : Burn that on a dream ... And my dream is having The Car . I've got some drawings done for a FU*** Paint job after that and it's already paid ( some 5000$ ). My Grand-Father will see me from the sky ... help me do what I must Please !
Nightmare is the name of the car...
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