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Old 03-04-2003, 05:57 AM
LarryIII LarryIII is offline
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OT- Sad about War.

The most important thing in the next few weeks is not SVXes, but war in Iraq. I believe that war in Iraq is inevitable and will start around Mar. 15th. Eventually someone will type a post on this subject so I thought I should start it off and let my feelings be known.
First, let me tell you of my political leanings. I am a conservative Republican in the Barry Goldwater tradition. I did not vote for G.W. Bush or Al Gore. I thought that both were as*h*les. I did vote for GW's dad.

I'm am very saddened by the current administrations head long rush to start a war in Iraq. I am against this policy. I am always against a policy of sending our best young men & women (now) into harms way to clean up a mess started by politicians in Wash., DC 30+/- years ago. Many of these youngsters in our armed services, those in the Iraqi military and ordinary Iraqi civilians will lose lives, body parts and mind parts. I feel really sorry for the conscripted youngsters in the Iraqi Army because they will be facing much better weapons and they will not be allowed to surrender this time. If they try to surrender, they will be shot.

I am also angry. Why is it that our military always has to go in and clean up the mess created by the CIA and our politicians? Make no mistake about it. The CIA financed the Bath party in Iraq and pushed them into power. They did this to create a strong Iraq to counter Iran.

Since WW II, we (the USA) have been setting up pupet dictators all over the world to help us counter "problems". Eventually the pupets break the strings and give us grief. Ho Chi Minh, Ferdinand Marcos, Idi Amin, Gen. Noriegga are just some examples. Who can forget Afghan rebels shotting down Soviet helicopters with American made, shoulder fired, Stinger missles. I trace this policy back to John Forster Dulles (Sec. of State under Eisenhower). It's about time we thought up a new policy.

As much as I am against sending our military into Iraq, I am a realist. Sadam Hussein and his goons must be removed. I say, make the CIA take him out. For once, make them have to clean up their own sh*t. Give the UN inspectors all the time in the world, and while they are in Iraq and keep sending in assasination teams until the job is done. If we don't have the smarts or people to do this job right, then we can always hire someone (please...not the low bidder) that is qualified. Suggestion: the Isrealis & Germans have good people.

There, I said my two cents worth. Please pray for all the people on both sides that will be killed or injured by this war.

Larry III
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