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Old 07-19-2001, 10:49 PM
Posts: n/a
Linux is Ok. Basically since you can pick it up for free. It's cool but if you're gonna go for a Unix varient I highly recommend Irix and an old SGI machine (Indigo R3000/4000 or Indigo2). My Indigo2 and Indigo R4000 can do about anything any windoze machine can and they look cool, very cool. My only problem is when all the machines are on (Indigo, Indigo2 and Personal IRIS 4D/35 Super Turbo, Macs, and PCs) and one of the women in the house turns on the 1.5KW hair dryer it trips the damn breaker. I've only got minutes to shut it all down before my UPS's run out of juice! And one other thing: You can't have my SE/30!