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Old 02-10-2003, 08:45 AM
kuoh kuoh is offline
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Personally, I think if you felt safe enough to go 75, then slowing down to pass was probably not as good of an idea as you thought. First off, it puts you next to the other car for a longer period of time. If he was going to swerve into your lane, then he would've likely done it whether you were going fast or slow, it's simply a matter of timing of when you're next to him and for how long. Second, if there were other traffic behind you, you would be slowing them down and not necessarily in a good way.

Lastly, one man's snow "storm" could be another's flurries. I've driven 75 in the rain, sleet, slush, and snow and usually know where the edge is and if I have pushed the car passed it. I can and do routinely drive my SVX at the limits of my capabilities in all kinds of weather, but I don't make it a point to admonish others or force them to adhear to my sense of where the limit is if they feel that they're more capable. That's what the law enforcement officers are there for. To be perfectly frank, even your 75 was over the safety limit established by the local safety officials. I try never to condemn others for the same actions that I am guilty of.

I leave you all with this parting thought. One night last year during a snow "storm", I was merrily passing people in the left lane of a 3 lane highway at probably 60-65, which was the normal posted speed limit. Most of the other vehicles were travelling 10-15 MPH slower. I had just passed a snow plow and crossed a bridge when only a few of seconds later, I saw a car in the rearview mirror lose control in the right lane, turn side ways and plow straight across the other 2 lanes of traffic right into the center barrier. Luckily, the driver missed the other cars, but you should've seen the pileup behind him. Obviously, the other driver was in a RWD car and not aware of his situation or conditions on the bridge. Would I have been better served to have slowed down that night? I don't believe so. If anything, it would've put me more in harm's way.


Last edited by kuoh; 02-10-2003 at 08:49 AM.
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