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Old 12-21-2002, 11:02 PM
Posts: n/a
I never made the connection either until I viewed that site.

If I had lost loved ones in that tragedy, I can guarantee you I'd be pissed off about the name of this movie.

Sensitivity to tragedies isn't something that has a statute of limitations, as many of you believe. It's like a certain amount of time went by and all of a sudden society and the media has decided that 'mourning' time is over and it's time to get on with business. But those who were directly affected (yeah most of you think you were directly affected, but I promise you most of you weren't) have to deal with what happened every day and will for the rest of their life. And those people have every right to protest whatever they view as ignorant - and now that I've made the connection, I find the name of the movie incredibly ignorant and in horribly bad taste. If you can't understand why those who were affected by the events would be pissed about the name of the movie, then wtf is wrong with you?

Obviously the name should not be changed, but the studio that released this film deserves to be chewed out. If they planned on keeping the book's title, they should not have rushed to get the movie out so soon. Most followups to movies do not come out the following year, and it's quite silly and ignorant of those in charge to have decided to do so on this one.

Will I boycott the film because of this? No. Will I curse out the people who decided to put together a protest? HELL NO.

There are two sides to the coin and each side has a valid point in their decision. Each side deserves a certain amount of respect, respect that would not be given by cursing them out.

And I'll tell you - I hardly see how anyone is getting 15 minutes of fame from this kind of protest.
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