Thread: Reading 2024
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Old 05-20-2024, 09:45 PM
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Sean486 Sean486 is offline
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Re: Reading 2024

It was very subdued. I pulled in around 2pm and mine was the only SVX in the lot. I was thinking this might be the shortest meet ever, no sooner did I get out of the car than another SVX pulled in. A gorgeous 28,000 mile pearly. Thing looked like new car. Nice owner with his two young kids in the back. I think his name was Dan (sorry if my memory a little off). A few minutes later LarryIII and Rosey showed up in John Hoffmans former Polo SVX. It was raining so we all went in the lobby and ate cannoli. Green Eyed Lady, joined us and we all talked in the lobby for while. Dan’s kids started harassing him so he took off.
We saw the message from Hocrest and Subbyru89 letting us know they would arrive around 5pm which was about an hour from then. They finally arrived and joined us for cannoli and conversation. Eventually decided on dinner at the Japanese Steak House and Hocrest’s sister met us there since she was local. The food was delicious. I went home after that.

So with only a few SVX and the rain there wasn’t much parking lot activity. Didn’t even get to put out yea old box of spoiler wine, (sorry Ron). But it was nice to see everyone and feel that enthusiasm around the cars. Strangers were asking about and commenting on the cars even though we only had 3 at any one time. I took a few car pics, but not many, I’m trying to figure out how to attach them (I used to used photobucket but now don’t have anywhere to upload to)

I would liked to have seen more of the old crew, and more car, but it’s understandable since the weather was bad and the event is not what it once was. I’m going to try help out more next year, try to drum up more interest via Facebook
1992 LSL ebony pearl 170k - Thank you Ron Mummert
Reading Box of Wine Car
1992 SVX LSL 5-Speed Sold at 180K 2019
1995 SVX Lsi Polo Sold at 118K 2007

Last edited by Sean486; 05-20-2024 at 10:04 PM.
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