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Old 04-26-2024, 02:47 AM
irox irox is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2016
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Posts: 334
Re: STi Brembos: Completed

Awesome! Great job. Thanks for the write up.

Would a slightly larger diameter rotor help solver the brake pad over hang?
If so, what diameter would be best?

I wonder if we could get them custom made, or if there is another rotor would could be turned down to fit.

It is great that there is a bigger brake option for the SVX that works with 18" wheels. I remember a company selling a big brake kit for the SVX but it required 19" wheels, which in my eyes seems hard to make work with the SVX.

Also, do you have any pictures of your whole car? I really like that paint color.

Also, very sorry to hear you car got hit.
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