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Old 10-14-2019, 09:35 PM
irox irox is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: CA
Posts: 334
Re: What have you done to your SVX (or other Subaru) today?

Meanwhile, in California...

Well, today was a milestone day for my SVX. I finally took it to get smogged, and it passed this time!! It didn't really fail last time, but the smog machine kept going crazy when trying to read the RPMs and they couldn't do the test. This time there wasn't a problem, although I did notice they gave up on the inductive RPM meter and used a wired one.

After a successful smog check, I made a trip to the DMV and an hour a bit later had new tags! So I'm finally road legal (1.5 years later...)! Still lots of things left to fix on this car, but nice to get the paper work out of the way - hopefully I'll be more motivated to get the other work out of the way (transmission error code, another wheel baring, 120K tune up, brakes, new tires, etc.).

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