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Old 09-23-2019, 11:11 AM
irox irox is offline
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Re: What have you done to your SVX (or other Subaru) today?


I offered to create a model for it, but nobody was able to offer up an example or pictures for me to work from. Having possession of an original would be great, or I could try from photos if somebody was to provide accurate measurements.

I could create a model and print it, then send the part to somebody who has a need for one. They can provide some feedback on fitment/size. (I don't really want to take my doors to bits until I really have a need to repair them.)

Otherwise I'll wait until mine fails, then develop and test one.

Not sure what the longevity of the 3D printer chips will be. Also, I tend to print in PLA basic it's easy and doesn't smell bad. But it might be better to use a stronger plastic like ABS or PETG (or other exotic plastic). Perhaps we could do a group buy from one we know the part works/fits.

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