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Old 08-30-2015, 05:40 PM
ChristophCobb ChristophCobb is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 55
Engine knocks after starting, thoughts?

It's chris here again with my many questions about my SVX. So I've noticed that when I start my car in the morning, it's smooth at first and then about 10 seconds in, it starts to knock. I can hear a "tok tok tok tok". Kinda sounds similar to my XR350R Valves sounds. Less of a tap, and more a knuckley knock. It does that for about a minute or 2 and then it stops knocking and sound normal. Another issue, and they may be related, you tell me. Is that when the car is in drive or reverse and it is not rolling or moving it vibrates. And it's not a subtle vibrate it's a pretty good vibration that even makes a buzzing sound in the interior. When it's rolling or driving it doesn't vibrate like that. I'm more concerned about the knock but I would like to adress both. I recently sold my other car and am now at the point where I have some money to spend on it. I want to fix the body damage but Idk how serious this is and it may be better to address this first. Not sure. Just looking for some thoughts or suggestions. Also highly interested in some "Do it yourself" work.

Also important to note:
Recently changed the fuel filter
Previous owner used regular gas like a blockhead
Bought denso platinum spark plugs. Will change them soon.
New tranny mount on it, retro fitted from a legacy tyranny mount. (Done at a shop)
Recently cleaned the throttle body and the MAF sensor.
(While doing that job, I found a lot of brown oil in the intake tube past the MAF sensor, but before the throttle body.) Throttle body was pretty gunky but after I cleaned it, it didn't seem to affect anything.

Thanks guys, cheers.
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