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Old 07-07-2015, 07:35 PM
waldon waldon is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Nampa, ID
Posts: 27
Re: Getting the network mobile

I have some good news and bad news on that front.

First the bad news. There is a mobile app for
vBulletin. However, it is apparently worse than
vBulletin V5; Anyone who read my post a while
back on on V5 should now be shuddering, possibly
projectile vomiting from that statement. A few
choice quotes from those who have tried to use
the app:
"Each update seems to be a more
bug-ridden POS that the one before."
"If you thought vbulletin 5 forum was bad, try
the app.."
"Im using vb 5.1.4 and the mobile app isn't
working properly. Of course I have bigger
problems than that to deal with."
And we would have the privilege of paying a
ridiculous amount of money for the app. I don't
think so.

The good news is that the next upgrade for us
should have a mobile template available. Chris
has been working on the next hardware roll-out.
When he makes that available, we can get the
upgrade going.

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