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Old 11-27-2002, 10:09 AM
DavieGravy DavieGravy is offline
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Set a good example. In essence, teach people how to drive.
If other motorists see you move into the right lane when you're done passing, they might start doing the same.

This also goes for letting people change lanes. Personally, I could care less if one car gets in front of me. It used to irritate me, now I've come to the realization that it's far better to just let people in, rather than dangerously tailgate the driver in front of me to stop them. And chances are, if that inconsiderate driver's weaving in and out of lanes, he's aggressive, therefore will keep up with the speed of traffic. So who cares?

Consideration for other people is like a "good disease." Set an example and it will spread.

BTW, if you're in a rush, there may be no choise to drive like an a$$. I just wanted to add that.

Last edited by DavieGravy; 11-27-2002 at 10:15 AM.
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